IT Audit

Our company performs audits associated with IT infrastructure.

Audits involve determining the current state of IT resources in a particular location or enterprise. The aim is to present the most accurate facts that are required to make key management decisions. Based on this audit, we prepare an accurate report, which is also presented to the Board of the company.

For every audit, our employees check what solutions are implemented, to which standards and with how much care; what technologies and methods of security are applied; and they perform penetration tests and take photographic documentation of critical infrastructure.

Situations where an IT audit is necessary include among others:

  • Acquisitions and mergers of companies
  • Purchase of real estate
  • Purchase of intangible property, such as source code, hardware and device configurations
  • The need to eliminate the risk of unauthorized access
  • Investments in IT

Thanks to our thorough safety audits, the Regional Ambulance Service in Szczecin managed to obtain certification of conformity to ISO/IEC 27001: 2014-12 Information Security Technologies - Information security management systems, and Grupa Nowy Szpital to create a uniform, integrated system of management and maintenance of IT infrastructure. Having performed many audits for customers in this area, we have the experience to improve processes taking place in very complex IT projects.