Cloud Computing

A Computer center implemented in the cloud allows for great flexibility: you pay for the resources actually used and may stop using services without any period of notice or charge.

A cloud data center is a large data center able to support many customers simultaneously. Key companies in the market are:

  • Amazon AWS
  • Rackspace
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Linode
  • Cloudera
  • Digital ocean
  • Gandi
  • Microsoft Azure

This is a good solution for companies that plan to build or modernize their data center, but need a server infrastructure within a shorter time period. In such cases, it is possible to extend the network of the server room to the cloud via VPN solutions and implement new servers in the cloud-based solution.

The benefits of the use of infrastructure in the cloud:

  • No need to worry about the server environment (temperature, humidity, AC failures)
  • No obligations regarding the duration of the contract
  • No need for large initial investment in equipment, which improves the company's cash flow
  • No effect of impairment of equipment, in which you have to invest if creating your own data center
  • No need to have a special room with access control and additional safeguards
  • No need for any server administrator
  • No charge for electricity – fees are included in the cost of using the cloud
  • No need to have redundant current infrastructure and UPS
  • No need to worry about a stable and redundant internet connection and its routing, or maintenance of IP addresses
  • Easy scaling of resources in case of periodic needs, e.g. generated by trading peaks or promotions

The solutions that we deploy to the cloud include:

  • CDN (Content Delivery Network) – global supply of data to multiple users
  • Network and data center
  • Storage and analysis systems for very large data sets (Big Data)
  • Systems of archiving, backup and restoring data
  • Developer environments for your programmers – these have a short shelf life and in most cases the initial investment in equipment is economically unjustified