
Our Data Center provides solutions that allow you to perform regular backups of data and entire systems. Such mechanisms work in the background and are virtually transparent to users, running at times convenient for them. This minimizes the costs associated with data loss or interruption of service.

The data of your company should be stored in at least two specially adapted locations so that they are safe in such scenarios as:

  • Fire
  • Flooding or other water damage
  • Earthquake (in case of implementations on other continents)
  • Theft
  • Hardware failure
  • Failure or instability in power supply

Backups of your data can be done on arrays in different modes (offline, online, nearline); on tapes in a continuous, incremental or differential mode; or to an external computing cloud. The best choice depends on the needs of your business.

Solutions with which we are experienced, include:

  • HP StoreOnceBakcup
  • Symantec NetBackup Platform
  • Amazon S3
  • Veeam –